Adopted February 27, 2025
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Rule 1 - Notification of Annual Managers Meeting
At least Two weeks prior to either of the Managers Meetings, an e-mail will be made to all managers of record and other interested parties who wish to compete in the upcoming season. This mailing may include the following:
- Time, date, location and agenda of the Managers Meeting.
- Fee schedule for the coming season.
- Details on filing team applications and registration deadlines.
- Any upcoming items to be aware of, vote on, or any items that need to be reviewed.
Rule 2 - Material provided when filing application, or at AMM
Each Manager shall be provided with the following:
- Match Roster Instructions.
- Where to find the GPSD, Inc. Bylaws, and Constitution.
- Where to find the GPSD Rules of competition.
Rule 3 - Deadline for Team Application and Payment of Fees
- Applications and fees are due by the date and time which the Board set during each registration window.
- Applications and payments received after this time are subject to a $100 late fee. The number of teams allowed to participate in GPSD, Inc. sanctioned matches shall be determined by the Executive Committee based upon date of receipt of registration, payment of registration fees, team and manager conduct in prior seasons and availability of resources.
- If a team has not fully paid a season's registration fee by the time and date above, that team will not be scheduled for that season. This requirement can be waived by the President of GPSD, Inc., for reasons to the benefit of GPSD, Inc.
Rule 4 - Distribution of Schedules
Prior to the start of league play the following will be made available to the managers:
- Schedule of Matches.
- List of team names and uniform colors.
- Addresses of fields.
- List of managers with phone numbers.
Rule 5 - Player Registration and Player Cards
Individual player registration is conducted by the Oregon Adult Soccer Association (OASA), 1750 SW Skyline Blvd., Suite 121, Portland, OR 97221, (503) 292-1814. By registering with the OASA, the player agrees to abide by the rules of the United States Soccer Federation, the OASA and the GPSD, Inc. The player registration card is the property of the OASA and must be surrendered on demand to any Match official or GPSD, Inc. officer or OASA officer.
To be eligible to play in a GPSD, Inc. sanctioned Match, a player must be at least 18 years of age and hold a valid OASA player card, and have their name appear on a Match roster prior to the start of Match play. The Match roster must be presented to the referee prior to the start of the Match. The player registration card must be presented to the referee prior to the player participating in the Match.
- All player cards issued are valid until expired or revoked by the OASA or the GPSD, Inc. or until a player has been suspended by either association.
- Renewal for existing cards may be obtained at the OASA above.
- New player cards may be obtained by filling out individual player registration forms and returning them to the OASA with the appropriate fee. Proof of identity will be required prior to the issuance of the player registration card. No player shall be issued more than one (1) OASA card. Any player caught falsifying any information in order to obtain a card while under suspension from GPSD, Inc. participation is subject to permanent expulsion from GPSD, Inc.
- Players may register during business hours at the OASA Office, or online at OASA.
- A player may not play in two league Matches on different teams within the same division inside of a five-day time period. Teams may register an unlimited number of players on its roster. For the GPSD, Inc. rosters are limited to 30 players at any one Match. GPSD, Inc. Championship Match rosters may have an unlimited number of eligible players (5.F).
- A player must check in or play in (5 Matches) of the teams scheduled Matches to be eligible for that team’s Championship Match.
- A team’s roster is frozen for the last (2) Matches of the (Fall and Spring) season (including makeup Matches). Meaning, no new players can play in the 9th or 10th Match without playing in at least one of the previous 8 Matches.
Rule 6 - Uniforms
- When both teams in a match are wearing the same or similar colors, the Home team shall change to an alternate, numbered shirt. Upon the request of the visiting team, the referee may require the Home team to change to dissimilar colors before beginning the match.
- For Premier teams all of a team’s players shall wear the same uniforms; shirt/jersey, shorts, socks. If a team is found to be in repetitive violation of this uniform requirement, GPSD, Inc. may enforce penalties under Rule 15.
- Failure of the Home team to change is grounds for forfeiture of the match.
- Goalkeepers may not wear similar colors to the field players of either team.
- If a team changes colors from the colors declared on their application, they must notify the GPSD, Inc. and the managers within their division, in writing or via e-mail, stating what their new colors are.
- Numbering of Uniforms: All players uniforms (home or alternate), except the goalkeepers, must be numbered. No two players may wear the same number on their respective uniforms. The fine per unnumbered shirt is ($5.00) per shirt. Tape is not acceptable as numbering on a shirt. Use of an unnumbered pinnie is ok provided that the number can be seen through the pinnie.
Rule 7 - GPSD, INC. Match Preparation (Prior to the match)
- Cards: Players must present, in person, to the referee their valid OASA player card. The referee will match the picture with the player and inspect for a valid card. The referee will also inspect the players equipment, which shall include:
- A numbered shirt, shorts, shoes, shin guards completely covered by socks.
- No player may wear anything which is dangerous to themselves or others. The match referee has total authority to determine compliance with this rule. Players that do not comply., may not play.
- Matches should begin at the scheduled time. A 15-minute grace period after the scheduled time of the match is allowed for a team to assemble the minimum of seven players. When a team has seven players with valid player I.D. cards present, the match will begin.
- Field Condition Protests must be made prior to the start of the match to the referee, who will note that the match was played under protest and notify the opposing team.
"In case of extreme weather conditions (such as high temperatures, or poor air quality alerts), referees are empowered to ask the teams before the match if they want to insert hydration breaks (no more than 2 minutes long) approximately 30 minutes into each half. Those breaks will not add time to the halves: for example, if a match is already being played as 42-minute halves (due to having started 6 minutes later than scheduled match time), the 2 minutes of hydration breaks in each half will result in each half consisting of 40 minutes of actual playing time. GPSD does not specify exact conditions (i.e., temperatures over 90 F) during which hydration breaks should be considered but asks referees to err on the side of comfort and safety." 9-11-2018
- Rosters: At the beginning of the Match, each team manager will submit to the referee an approved roster form provided by GPSD, Inc. Each roster shall contain the following: the date of the Match, the Match number, the home team, the visiting team, the name of the field, birthdate, name and shirt number of each player. The fine for an improperly completed or illegible roster is twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the first offense. A second offense may result in forfeiture of the match. Failure to provide identifying information for a player on the roster will be grounds for the referee to exclude the player from the match.
- The home team will provide:
- Goal Nets. Failure to provide will result in a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fine.
- Regulation corner flags. They must be at least five (5) feet high with a flag or pennant not smaller than 10" wide by 5" high. Bicycle safety flags are acceptable. Failure to provide corner flags will result in a fifteen dollar ($15.00) fine.
- Exceptions: For the first 3 matches of the season, new teams entering the league may ask the manager of the opposing team (a minimum of five days in advance of the match) for the use of that team’s nets. It is the responsibility of the home team, in any case, to install the nets and corner flags.
Rule 8 - GPSD, Inc. Match Play (During the Match)
- Substitutions: Unlimited substitutions for both teams will be allowed at any dead ball situation, subject to the discretion of the referee, and provided that the player entering the field has properly presented themselves to the referee prior to participating in the match.
- Late arriving players: There are no arrival time restriction for late arriving players, as long as they have been declared for the match on the roster prior to the start of play and present their card to the referee before entering the match.
- Forfeiture will be defined as not competing in a match for any reason, including not having enough players at match time, refusing to abide by the referees decision; refusal to take the field, or leaving the field of play before the end of the match. Forfeiture may be punished by a fine.
- GPSD, Inc. will schedule Matches, at GPSD, Inc. discretion, based on fields available. In some instances, teams may have Matches scheduled on dates, times, and fields that are not to their choosing. A team not showing up for a scheduled Match shall have that Match recorded as a forfeit. See Rule 15 and Rule 8.D.2.
- An agreement between two teams to postpone a match may not be considered forfeiture as long as the Match scheduler is notified two weeks (14 days) prior to the match, by fax, e-mail, or written. Requests for Match changes should be communicated to the Match scheduler. GPSD, Inc. will make an effort to reschedule the Match me at a time convenient to both teams, and the referees. GPSD, Inc. will also make every attempt to secure a field. If rescheduling is possible, a one hundred fifty dollar ($150.00) rescheduling fee must be paid before the Match is rescheduled to the leagues PayPal account ( If rescheduling is not possible, the Match will stand. Although a forfeit loss may be assessed, the forfeiting team will not be fined.
- Incomplete match: If a match is stopped before half time, the referee will note the time, reason, and the score when the match is stopped. If the match is stopped during or after half time the Match will be considered complete and the score at stoppage of the Match will be the final score of the Match. The referee does not have the authority to determine the outcome of the match. The referee will submit a Match report and the executive committee will determine the Match outcome. If a Match is stopped, at any time, due to fighting, the team responsible for the fight will lose the Match and in addition the losing team shall have three (3) points subtracted from their point standing for the season. Any protest of the Match score or outcome may be protested according to GPSD, Inc. Rule 11. Judicial Protest by a team.
- Conduct of Team Supporters: All teams are directly responsible for the actions of their supporters before, during and after a match. The team manager will be presumed to control the team supporters. The referee may terminate the match if the team manager refuses or fails to control the team supporters during the match when requested to do so by the referee. Any incident involving a team’s supporters will be reviewed by the Judicial Officer. Disciplinary action may be taken against the team, individual players, the manager and the coach. Such action may include, but is not limited to; suspension, fines, bonding, probation or dissolving of the team.
- Shortened Matches: If a match begins late, the referee can subtract time from the match in order to ensure that the match is played within the time scheduled. The match shall be shortened with equal time intervals being deducted from each half. The referee shall announce this decision to the team managers and the amount of time he intends to deduct from each half prior to the start of the match. If the match delay results in a starting time which is unreasonably late, the referee has the authority to terminate the match without following this procedure.
- Premier Teams: During any Match a team is required to have a designated captain on the field at all times. This player shall be wearing a captain’s band on their arm, and he is the only one to confer with referee during the course of the Match. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a twenty dollar ($20.00) fine for the team. Three (3) failures will result in a point taken from that team in addition to paying the sixty dollar ($60.00) fine.
Rule 9 - Team Managers Duties
- Maintain a record of team members names, addresses and phone numbers.
- Forward GPSD, Inc. communication marked for distribution to all players.
- Supply team members with current copies of the Rules.
- Supply the referee at each match a completed official team roster.
- Do not allow unregistered, suspended, expelled or illegal players to play. Violation of this provision may be cause for suspension or expulsion of the manager from further GPSD, Inc. participation.
- Report match scores. Each manager is responsible for reporting the correct score to the GPSD, Inc.
- Submit referee evaluation reports after each match.
- Attend the AMM and the Mid-Year Managers Meeting.
- Be financially responsible for any GPSD, Inc. property in the team’s possession. Perpetual Trophies must be returned at the Mid-Year Managers Meeting.
- Ensure acceptable behavior from the team and its supporters during and after matches. Remove players from the team who violate GPSD, Inc. Rules.
- Officially represent the entire team in matters such as financial matters, Judiciary matters and match protests.
- Enforce the GPSD, Inc. rules of competition, and cooperate with all judicial inquiries and investigations concerning team misconduct, including providing relevant and accurate information concerning players, spectators and other persons who violate those rules.
- If a team changes managers the league must be notified in writing or via email within ten (10) days.
Rule 10 - Disciplinary Actions Against Players
GPSD, Inc. reserves the right to review the conduct of every participant and to determine the appropriate sanction to be imposed in the case of player misconduct. Sanctions include, but are not limited to suspension from Matches, bonding, fines, and requiring participation in remedial courses and supplying services prior to reinstatement in good standing.
Red Cards:
- Each player who is sent off (red carded) from a match will be suspended for at least one additional Match week. The exact penalty imposed is determined by the Judiciary Officer or Hearing Board for each offense.
- Players sent off the field (red card) by the referee will be subject to suspensions and/or fines as described in the table below. These fines do not include processing or card handling fees which OASA may handle. This table is a guideline; fines or suspensions outside the guidelines may be imposed when appropriate.
Reason for Red Card |
1st Level |
2nd Level |
3rd Level |
4th Level |
2 Cautions |
1 Match Week |
Denying an Obvious Goal |
1 Match Week |
Serious Foul Play |
2 Match Weeks |
3 Match Weeks + $25 fine |
4 Match Weeks + $50 fine |
Violent Conduct |
3 Match Weeks + $50 fine |
5 Match Weeks + $75 fine |
6 Match Weeks + $100 fine |
One Year Suspension |
Offensive Language / Gesture - Directed at a Referee |
2 Match Weeks + $100 fine |
4 Match Weeks + $100 fine |
6 Match Weeks + $100 fine |
8 Match Weeks + $100 fine |
Offensive Language / Gesture - Directed at Anyone Else |
2 Match Weeks |
4 Match Weeks + $50 fine |
6 Match Weeks + $100 fine |
8 Match Weeks + $100 fine |
Spitting |
4 Match Weeks + $50 fine |
- In accordance with USSF policies and OASA guidelines, any player who receives more than the 1st level (“minimum sentence”) sanction(s) listed in the table has the right to request a hearing. The purpose of that hearing is to allow the player to present evidence as to why sanctions greater than the minimum sentence should not be imposed. The Judiciary Officer is empowered to formulate processes for hearings in such manner as meet OASA guidelines for due process and fairness.
- Penalty Point Accumulations. In general, one penalty point is accrued for each yellow card, and two penalty points are accrued for each red card (except that being sent off for having been cautioned twice in the same match accrues a total of 2 points for that match). Players who accumulate five (5) points during any season will be fined fifty dollars ($50.00) in addition to any fines for individual offenses. Players who accumulate any more points during the next twelve (12) months will be fined an additional fifty dollars ($50.00) per point.
- Suspensions are for GPSD, Inc. match weeks, a week that a team has a match. If the team has a bye in a given week, the suspension would carry over to the following week. If the suspension spans seasons, it would carry over for as many weeks as necessary. Suspensions from competition for violation of rules will apply only to GPSD, Inc. Matches, but OASA usually honors suspensions across all affiliated leagues. A suspended player may actually miss additional Matches in other OASA affiliated leagues.
- A player or team manager may appeal an original ruling of the Judiciary Officer or a Hearing Board to a special Appeal Committee. No Executive Committee member who participated in an original decision shall be eligible to sit on the Appeal Committee for that offense. At this Appeal hearing, the GPSD, Inc. President or their designate will entertain testimony from the referee, the petitioner or other concerned parties. Each is entitled to arrange for a representative to testify on their behalf. Based on the evidence presented, the Appeal Committee may uphold, overturn, or amend the original decision. An Appeal request must be made in writing, mailed and postmarked within 7 days of the original Judiciary Decision, and be accompanied by a fifty dollar ($50.00) Appeal Fee. "The Appeal fee is non-refundable."
- A player or team manager may appeal a decision of a special Appeal Committee to OASA. The appeal must be accompanied by the current OASA appeal fee. The appeal must be made in writing, mailed and postmarked within 72 hours of the time of the decision by the GPSD, Inc. special Appeal Committee. OASA will schedule a hearing and inform the player of the time and place of the hearing, and the procedure to be followed at the hearing.
Rule 11- Judicial Protests by a team
A team may protest the outcome of a match or a team fine to the Judiciary Officer provided that the protest is made within two days (48 hours) of the day of the match. Grounds of protest shall be limited to misapplication of the FIFA Laws of the Game, USSF Regulations, and OASA and GPSD, Inc. Rules of Competition. In no event will a judgment call by a referee be a reason or ground for protest of a match outcome.
- The Judiciary Officer shall issue a ruling.
- The manager may appeal the ruling of the Judiciary Officer to a Special Judiciary Hearing. At this hearing, the GPSD, Inc. President or their designate will entertain testimony from the referee, the petitioner or other concerned parties. Each is entitled to arrange for a representative to testify on their behalf. Based on the evidence presented, the GPSD, Inc. President may reverse or amend the prior decision. An Appeal to the Special Committee must be made in writing, mailed and postmarked within 7 days of the first Judiciary Decision, and be accompanied by a fifty dollar ($50.00) Appeal fee.
- The manager may appeal the decision of the Special Judiciary Committee to the Oregon Adult Soccer Association (OASA). The appeal Rule must be in writing and be accompanied by an OASA Appeal Fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). The appeal must be made within 72 hours of the GPSD, Inc. Special Judiciary Committee. The OASA will inform the manager of the time and place that the appeal will be heard.
- Protests regarding field conditions or similarly colored shirts must be made to the referee and the opposing manager before the match is played.
Rule 12 - Promotion and Relegation
- Promotion and Relegation is determined according to the total number of points earned by the respective teams during the previous Season (Winter Season excluded).
- Match scoring will be as follows:
- Win = (3) points; Tie = (1) point; Loss = 0 points
- Forfeit wins are scored as three points for the winner; zero points for the forfeiting team. The scoreline will be shown as 1-0. However, the winning team will not receive credit for the goal as a "goal scored".
2. Promotion and Relegation is subject to Executive Committee discretion, acting on behalf of the best interests of the GPSD, Inc. Promotion and Relegation will be determined:
- The last team in the First and Second and Third Division are relegated to the next lower Division.
- The first teams in the Fourth, Third and Second Division are promoted to the next higher Division.
- Declining Promotion or Relegation:
- If a team places first in its division, that team must accept promotion to the next higher division for the next season in order to be eligible to play in the District Championships. Failure to accept promotion precludes the team from playing in the District Championship for the next season. A team may decline promotion by contacting the President of the GPSD, Inc. not later than the following Managers Meeting and stating the team’s intent. The Executive Committee reserves the right to honor or deny the teams request if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the GPSD, Inc.
- A team may decline relegation by contacting the President of the GPSD, Inc. not later than the following Managers Meeting. The Executive Committee reserves the right to honor or deny the teams request if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the GPSD, In.
- Ties: Ties are resolved by the Executive Committee in the following order:
- Wins by forfeit. Teams will not receive credit for any "goals scored" in a forfeit win. No team may break a tie in the standings if they have a better goal differential caused by a regulation win with "goals scored" against an opponent, while the team they are tied with was required to take a forfeit win against the same opponent, with no credit for "goals scored".
- Goal Differential: Subtracting the "Goals Against" from the "Goals For" equals goal differential. The maximum goal differential accrued by a team in one Match is three.
- The most "Goals For" will have the better standing.
- The team that won the match(es) between tied teams will have the better standing.
- Cross-Over Matches: “Cross-Over" Matches are Matches between teams of the different leagues. The result of a Cross-Over Match will count as a 1-0 win for both teams, regardless of the score, and points are included in the league standings. If one team forfeits the Match it will count as a win for the non-forfeiting team and a loss for the forfeiting team.
Rule 13 - Post Season or Tournament Play
- Any competition or tournament requesting GPSD, Inc. sponsorship must receive permission prior to the beginning of play. Application for sanction must be made to the GPSD, Inc. Executive Committee and should include a list of the participating teams and tournament rules. If teams from outside the OASA will be participating, those teams must furnish traveling papers from the state organization with which they are affiliated. These are required to ensure that if the team is involved in any activity that is unlawful or violent that the OASA will have recourse against the team or players. No team shall use the GPSD, Inc. name without prior permission.
- Traveling Teams: All GPSD, Inc. teams participating in competition outside the GPSD, Inc. must obtain traveling papers from the OASA. These papers indicate that the team is a member in good standing with the OASA and that all fees have been paid.
Rule 14 - Standing Trophies and Competitions
Division Champions: At the end of the fall season, trophies will be awarded to the champions of each league if the winning team, with a sponsor, petitions the Executive committee in writing before the last league Match.
- Open 1st Division: The John Topich Trophy: The founder of the Portland Americans team. Mr. Topich managed the Americans from 1960 to 1983.
- Open 2nd Division: The George Jenkins Trophy: George Jenkins played in the Portland leagues for twenty- five years and served with distinction as the OASA Treasurer.
- Open 3rd Division: The Marc Alexander Trophy: The second President of the GPSD who managed the Puddle City teams during the early and mid-1980s.
- Over Thirty 1st Division: The Ted Zyelinske Trophy: Ted Zyelinske, the undisputed master of Portland men’s amateur soccer for the first 15 years of the GPSD existence.
- Over Forty 1st Division: Clive Charles Trophy. Clive contributed to the Portland Area by coaching many of the areas finest athletes. Clive played on the Portland Timbers, Coached University of Portland Men’s and Women’s teams as well as various youth development teams.
- Troy Brown Cup 0/40
- Over Fifty 1st Division: Ivan Ivanov Trophy. Mr. Ivanov is considered the originator of the over 50’s League.
Rule 15 - Team Fines and Penalties
A team is a single entity of registered players enrolled and qualified to participate in GPSD, Inc. competition. Any punishment imposed against a team by the GPSD, Inc. is enforceable against any successor team. A "successor team" is any team enrolled for GPSD, Inc. competition comprised of five or more players of a team previously punished or sanctioned by the GPSD, Inc. Players will not be allowed to avoid a sanction imposed by the GPSD, Inc. by partial disbanding and reorganizing of the team.
- Fine, Suspension Guideline
1st Time Penalty |
2nd Time Penalty |
1 |
Illegal player and/or underaged – Rule 5 |
$100 team fine and automatic forfeit |
$100 team fine, $100 team bond, automatic forfeit, suspension of manager for 1-year |
2 |
Team no-show – Rule 8.D |
$75 team time |
Team Suspension |
3 |
Team no-show meeting Rule 8.D.2 description |
No team fine |
4 |
Alcohol at Match – Rule 16.A |
$100 team fine |
$100 team fine and $200 team bond |
5 |
Alcohol at Match for 3rd time – Rule 16.A |
$100 team fine, $200 team bond, Forfeiture of team bond, suspension of manager |
6 |
Illegal Substances at Match – Rule 16.A, 16.B |
1-year suspension |
7 |
Weapons / Dangerous Objects - Rule 16.C |
Team Suspension |
8 |
No nets – Rule 7.E.1 |
$25 team fine |
9 |
No corner flags – Rule 7.E.2 |
$15 team fine |
10 |
Incomplete, illegible or non-approved roster – Rule 7.D |
$25 team fine |
11 |
Unnumbered shirt – Rule 7.A |
$5 team fine per shirt |
12 |
Matches forfeited in the last two (2) Matches of the season (Fall and Spring) |
$100 team fine and 3-point deduction (per forfeit) |
13 |
Penalty Points – Rule 15.C |
$400 team fine |
14 |
Stoppage of Match due to fighting (team responsible for starting the fight) – Rule 8.E |
Automatic forfeit and 3-point deduction |
15 |
Premier Team – No Captain on the field – Rule 8.H |
$40 team fine (3rd failure and a 3-point deduction occurs) |
- Fines
- Fines must be paid within 15 days of the day that they are posted to the team by the Judiciary Officer. Should a fine remain unpaid at the end of a scheduled season, or prior to any Division Championship, that team or its successor team will be prohibited from all USSF, OASA and GPSD, Inc. competitions until the fine is paid in full.
- When a fine is assessed for the forfeiture of a match, and GPSD successfully collects that fine from the forfeiting team, GPSD, Inc. will make every effort to apply that fine as a credit against the next season's registration fee of the team that was forfeited to.
- Cumulative Points. Teams that accumulate their respective divisions penalty points during any 10 Match season ( Fall & Spring) will be fined a four hundred dollars ($400.00).
- Premier division penalty point limit is 25 points.
- All other division penalty point limits are 15 points.
- 1 point is attributed per Yellow Card, 2 points per Red Card.
- Non-Cooperation during inquiries and investigations. Any team which does not comply with reasonable requests for information during the course of a GPSD, Inc. judicial inquiry, including but not limited to identifying players or spectators who are accused of referee assault or abuse, or who fails to take affirmative steps to prevent such assault or abuse, may be punished by suspension from the GPSD, Inc. for such periods of time as may be deemed appropriate by the Judicial Officer. They may also be punished by fine, bond or any other sanction available to the GPSD, Inc. in order to enforce compliance with GPSD, Inc., OASA, and USSF rules and regulations.
Rule 16 - Alcoholic Beverages or Illegal Substances at GPSD, Inc. Matches
- Players, managers and team supporters shall not consume alcoholic beverages or illegal substances before, during, or after a match while on the premises of any GPSD, Inc. sanctioned match.
- Violation of this rule shall be noted by the referee on his Match report.
- Public urination, whether or not screened by foliage, is also a violation of this rule.
- Violation of this rule will result in the applicable penalty per Rule 15.A.4, 15.A.5 and 15.A.6.
- Any manager or player in the GPSD, Inc. may report the use of illegal substances to any GPSD, Inc. Executive Committee Member. At the next meeting the Executive Committee shall summon the alleged user of an illegal substance to a hearing. If this player or manager is found to have used an illegal substance before, during or after the playing of a GPSD, Inc. match, the player or manager shall be suspended for a minimum of one (1) year.
- Players, managers and team supporters shall not possess, use, brandish, display, or threaten to use brandish or display any object or thing which may be utilized or construed to be utilized as a weapon or dangerous instrumentality at any GPSD, Inc. sanctioned match. Any player or manager doing so, or allowing any team supporter to do so, shall result in the immediate suspension of that team from further GPSD, Inc. competition pending further judiciary action. The GPSD, Inc. reserves the rights to permanently refuse to allow any such person (or team) from participating in GPSD, Inc. sanctioned matches for their lifetime.
Rule 17 – Divisions
- The Open Division shall be comprised of players 18 years of age and older. Rules 1-16 must be followed with no modifications.
- The Over 30 Division shall be comprised of players 30 years of age and older. Rules 1-16 must be followed with no modifications.
- The Over 40 Division shall be comprised of players 40 years of age and older. In addition to Rules 1 -16, the Over 40 Division shall adhere to the following modifications:
- Due to the nature of the competition in the Over 40 Division, slide tackles are not allowed. A slide tackle is to be punished with the award of a direct free kick to the team the tackle was committed against. With this in mind the referees are asked to strictly enforce this rule, and if the slide tackle is committed with unnecessary force, is dangerous or from behind, a card (yellow or red, as appropriate) is to be issued to the offending player.
- The Over 50 Division shall be comprised of players 50 years of age and older. In addition to Rules 1 -16, the Over 50 Division shall adhere to the following modifications:
- Due to the nature of the competition in the Over 50 Division, slide tackles are not allowed. A slide tackle is to be punished with the award of a direct free kick to the team the tackle was committed against. With this in mind the referees are asked to strictly enforce this rule, and if the slide tackle is committed with unnecessary force, is dangerous or from behind, a card (yellow or red, as appropriate) is to be issued to the offending player.
- The Over 60 Division shall be comprised of players 60 years of age and older. In addition to Rules 1 -16, the Over 60 Division shall adhere to the following modifications:
- Due to the nature of the competition in the Over 60 Division, slide tackles are not allowed. A slide tackle is to be punished with the award of a direct free kick to the team the tackle was committed against. With this in mind the referees are asked to strictly enforce this rule, and if the slide tackle is committed with unnecessary force, is dangerous or from behind, a card (yellow or red, as appropriate) is to be issued to the offending player.
- Rule 5.E does not apply “A player may not play in two league matches on different teams within the same division inside of a five-day time period”.
- Until January 1st, 2024 this division will have an exemption allowing players to be within a year of the O-60 requirement and still be eligible to participate in these matches
- The Over 65 Division shall be comprised of players 65 years of age and older. Sept 1, 2022 saw the Rules for the Over 65 Division updated. This can be found here: O65 Rules of Competition
Information on this document should be deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
All rights reserved. Information appearing on this site has been produced by or obtained primarily from The Greater Portland Soccer District, Inc. and its representatives and from Oregon Amateur Soccer Association. Greater Portland Soccer District, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of representative’s information. Such information has been provided by independent third parties who are solely responsible for such content. The Greater Portland Soccer District, Inc. is a Non-Profit Organization.
Adopted by the GPSD this the 27th day of February, 2025.